Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Sometimes I feel like a lot of different people and no, for those who are interested, not like Sybil! I'm wife, mother, daughter, friend, etc. The list seems endless and yet I'm trying to embrace a new title, artist. It's not as easy as I thought it would be. Everyone wants to know what that is, while I'm still learning myself. I think I've narrowed it down to textile artist, as evidenced in my blog title. But I still don't want that to limit me either. I have so many interests. I love to teach my craft and will go wherever that will lead me. Right now it's sewing but I have so many ideas it's hard to contain them all. Hopefully you'll want to follow along as I stretch my wings and see where they will take me. I'm sure there will be disappointments as well as joy and laughter. But goofs are opportunities in disguise and I've had a lot of opportunities! But they usually turn out better than the original.
This piece of fabric was layered with cut out fabric leaves, ribbon and yarn, sandwiched between wash away stabilizer and quilted with a long arm. I used clear monofilament thread. It could very easily by done on a home machine. Just remember to pin the layers ALL over before moving it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Boondoggle Again!

This quilt has been quite an experience. The first lesson is that if the largest measurements on the pattern is for a lap quilt, there might be a reason! This layout took up the entire wall in my dining room and fabric was still hanging off the edges. I use a tablecloth for a design wall so that it is movable. I had to buy another tablecloth and pin that up also. This photo is the lower right of the quilt. The rows are going together fairly quickly and will have to come up with something unique for the border. It still won't be big enough for my guest bed.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What a Beautiful Day!

The week has just zipped by after Memorial Day weekend. I was able to finish the elastic skirt and take it into the shop. The directions are written and I'll be adding a little twist to this class. A gore skirt with elastic waist, a plain elastic skirt without a ruffle, a skirt with a kick pleat and an example of a t-shirt with attached skirt will all be shown in class with the instructions. It's always nice to get a little extra info!
I spent Saturday at a wonderful quilt show in Charlotte and came away with a lot of ideas and, of course, bags of goodies. YLI was there with some of their threads and I found a wonderful thread called Brilliance, Metallic Luminous Thread, White. Hopefully this will work for my 4 season quilt on the white fabric to create the look of snow. That's been the sticking point. It might just jumpstart me on the project again.
We then spent Sunday spreading mulch and a little yard work. It's extremely hot and muggy today, which I certainly don't enjoy, but there was a nice breeze that helped. I grabbed my camera to take photos of some of our flowers. They are sooo beautiful and I decided to try shooting from the bottom up and am extremely pleased with the look.
Enjoy your day and keep stitching and creating!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2 New Classes

I slipped in 2 extra classes for the early summer. Got Questions? and a No-Pattern Elastic Skirt. The students in my beginning sewing classes always want a class to follow. The Got Questions? will be a wonderful time to answer any questions that occur after class or with the start of a new project. I'm opening it up to anyone with questions. Can't wait to see what kind of projects show up. I've taught beginning sewing, machine embroidery and some project classes. You never know where they will lead. The next class will be an elastic skirt for summer. Made with fun and flirty cotton fabric and a cute ruffle. They are easy to whip up and can be made to fit anyone. Will post pic when I have it done. I just found and can't wait to see Where Bloggers Create II. Go to the website June 19, 2010 to catch all the lastest studios!